just stumbled across the next video about muses 3d CAD comparison....
so wanted to see if i could quickly hack that coin together with
as usual the chamfers are the problem.... I managed them in one dimension
(z) but my imagination lacks concerning the x/y plane..... if ever someone
wants to show me how it's done, with pleasure!
But the main problem is a performance problem:
i came so far:
innendd= 6;
exr = 14;
maker_coin(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd)
linear_extrude(height=2*akr) text("OS", size= 10, halign = "center", valign
= "center");
// r= radius of the coin- outercircle diam, inner height
module maker_coin(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=14)
maker_coin_body(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=14);
translate([0,0,2]) children();
module maker_coin_body(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=14)
resth = 2*or-innerh;
bigd = (r^2+resth^2)/resth; //euklidischer Höhensatz·
cylinder(r=r, h=2*or);
translate([0,0,or]) rotate_extrude($fn=180)
translate([0,0,bigd/2+innerh]) sphere(d= bigd, $fa=1);
for(w=[0:360/8:360]) rotate([0,0,w])·
translate([r+2*or,0,-.1]) cutout(r=r, or=or, exd=exd);
module cutout(r=kr, or=akr, exd=14)
cylinder(d=1.5*exd,h=2*or+2,center= false, $fn=100);
cutr = or+0.2;
In fact everything went quite smooth until i rotated the cutout....
as soon as the for loop with the rotate went in (line 34) openscad gets
unbearably slow, with standard openscad unbearably so (the system thinks it
That didn't look so awful to me? So what happened?
and if we ( :D ) could offer a complete and easy to read example to send to
makers muse, that would make me happy :D the example on thingieverse is
well, on thingiverse, and does not comply completely to the requirements
http://nohkumado.eu/, http://bboett.free.frhttp://aikido.nohkumado.eu/,
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the experimental
vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot. For me, that alone took
preview performance on your model from unusable to sort-of-usable. But
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only to create
regular polygons. To control circle quality, use $fa and $fs. $fa=2 /
$fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting here.
Also: screens are high resolution and really show faces. 3D printing
much less so. If you turn up your circle quality enough that your
displayed model looks really smooth, you probably have way more faces
than you really need for 3D printing. Experiment. Note also that you
can set the circle quality to some medium level while you're working,
and to high quality for your final render.
But that still leaves the preview performance pretty poor.
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never do in 3D
what you can do in 2D.
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned with a
cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the same as a circle
unioned with a rectangle, with a circle subtracted, all
rotate-extruded. The shape that would be rotate-extruded is this:
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as many nasty
3D operations. (In particular, it avoids that big sphere with its
thousands and thousands of faces - in your design, it has ~26,000 faces.)
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus subtracted.
But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a circle subtracted,
rotate-extruded. The shape that you are rotate-extruding is:
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded text. A
convexity of four is probably enough, but five is definitely enough.
All that done, the performance gets pretty good.
Here's a preview of your model:
Here's a preview of mine:
Mine is a little lower circle resolution on the outside. My bet is that
the difference isn't visible in 3D printing, but experiment with $fs.
Setting $fs=0.5 looks like it's better resolution than yours, but it
gets significantly slower (not so much with the vertex-object stuff
turned on). Experiment with an actual printer. (Yours has 28K facets.
Mine with $fs=1 has 10K; with $fs=0.5 has 23K.) Here's mine with $fs=0.5:
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with $fs=1
renders in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the experimental Manifold
renderer, they're all sub-second. (Manifold is magic.)
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a fully
cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is actually used for
the subtraction. You could use rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only
generate maybe a quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a
preview cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems like
Anyhow, there's some ideas. Here's my version.
$fa = 2;
$fs = 1;
innendd= 6;
exr = 14;
maker_coin(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=exr) {
linear_extrude(height=2*akr, convexity=5)
text("OS", size= 10, halign = "center", valign = "center");
// r= radius of the coin- outercircle diam, inner height
module maker_coin(r, or, innerh, exd) {
difference() {
maker_coin_body(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=exd);
translate([0,0,2]) children();
module maker_coin_body(r, or, innerh, exd) {
resth = 2or-innerh;
bigd = (r^2+resth^2)/resth; //euklidischer Höhensatz·
difference() {
union() {
rotate_extrude() {
difference() {
union() {
square([r, 2or]);
translate([0,bigd/2 + innerh]) {
circle(d = bigd);
union() {
for(w=[0:360/8:360]) rotate([0,0,w])
translate([r+2*or,0,-.1]) cutout(r=r, or=or, exd=exd);
module cutout(r, or, exd) {
rotate_extrude() {
difference() {
square([0.75exd, 2or + 2]);
cutr = or+0.2;
Thank you for this email Jordan- some excellent hints & tips in there
for neophytes like me. I have saved it in it's entirety for future
reference- especially for delving into the mysteries of children within
On 2024-03-02 07:00, Jordan Brown via Discuss wrote:
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the experimental
vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot. For me, that alone took
preview performance on your model from unusable to sort-of-usable.
But still...
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only to create
regular polygons. To control circle quality, use $fa and $fs. $fa=2
/ $fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting here.
Also: screens are high resolution and really show faces. 3D printing
much less so. If you turn up your circle quality enough that your
displayed model looks really smooth, you probably have way more faces
than you really need for 3D printing. Experiment. Note also that you
can set the circle quality to some medium level while you're working,
and to high quality for your final render.
But that still leaves the preview performance pretty poor.
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never do in 3D
what you can do in 2D.
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned with a
cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the same as a circle
unioned with a rectangle, with a circle subtracted, all
rotate-extruded. The shape that would be rotate-extruded is this:
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as many
nasty 3D operations. (In particular, it avoids that big sphere with
its thousands and thousands of faces - in your design, it has ~26,000
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus
subtracted. But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a circle
subtracted, rotate-extruded. The shape that you are rotate-extruding is:
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded text. A
convexity of four is probably enough, but five is definitely enough.
All that done, the performance gets pretty good.
Here's a preview of your model:
Here's a preview of mine:
Mine is a little lower circle resolution on the outside. My bet is
that the difference isn't visible in 3D printing, but experiment with
$fs. Setting $fs=0.5 looks like it's better resolution than yours,
but it gets significantly slower (not so much with the vertex-object
stuff turned on). Experiment with an actual printer. (Yours has 28K
facets. Mine with $fs=1 has 10K; with $fs=0.5 has 23K.) Here's mine
with $fs=0.5:
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with $fs=1
renders in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the experimental
Manifold renderer, they're all sub-second. (Manifold is magic.)
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a fully
cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is actually used
for the subtraction. You could use rotate_extrude's angle parameter
to only generate maybe a quarter of it. Those invisible negative
faces have a preview cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But
that seems like overkill.
Anyhow, there's some ideas. Here's my version.
$fa = 2;
$fs = 1;
innendd= 6;
exr = 14;
maker_coin(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=exr) {
linear_extrude(height=2*akr, convexity=5)
text("OS", size= 10, halign = "center", valign = "center");
// r= radius of the coin- outercircle diam, inner height
module maker_coin(r, or, innerh, exd) {
difference() {
maker_coin_body(r=kr, or=akr, innerh=innendd, exd=exd);
translate([0,0,2]) children();
module maker_coin_body(r, or, innerh, exd) {
resth = 2or-innerh;
bigd = (r^2+resth^2)/resth; //euklidischer Höhensatz·
difference() {
union() {
rotate_extrude() {
difference() {
union() {
square([r, 2or]);
translate([0,bigd/2 + innerh]) {
circle(d = bigd);
union() {
for(w=[0:360/8:360]) rotate([0,0,w])
translate([r+2*or,0,-.1]) cutout(r=r, or=or, exd=exd);
module cutout(r, or, exd) {
rotate_extrude() {
difference() {
square([0.75exd, 2or + 2]);
cutr = or+0.2;
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A baby can be defined as an ego with a noise at one end and a smell at the other.
Your job as parents is to teach them to control all three.
My job as a grandad is to tell you how you are doing it all wrong!
Hello Jordan!
wow... thanks a lots for the very detailed analysis!
Am Fr., 1. März 2024 um 21:00 Uhr schrieb Jordan Brown <
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the experimental
vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot. For me, that alone took
preview performance on your model from unusable to sort-of-usable. But
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only to create
regular polygons. To control circle quality, use $fa and $fs. $fa=2 /
$fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting here.
ok, indeed :D looks bad on the screen but you are right, the printer hasn't
that good of a resolution....
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never do in 3D what
you can do in 2D.
will try to keep that in mind :D
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned with a
cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the same as a circle
unioned with a rectangle, with a circle subtracted, all rotate-extruded.
The shape that would be rotate-extruded is this:
that's also exactly what Angus did :'(
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as many nasty 3D
operations. (In particular, it avoids that big sphere with its thousands
and thousands of faces - in your design, it has ~26,000 faces.)
ok, think i get it.....
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus subtracted.
But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a circle subtracted,
hmmm since we are at it... a hint how to integrate directly also the
horizontal bevels to that shape?
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded text. A
convexity of four is probably enough, but five is definitely enough.
oh.... never looked into convexity, but noticed the ugly artifacts...
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with $fs=1 renders
in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the experimental Manifold renderer,
they're all sub-second. (Manifold is magic.)
my system is definitely slower :D but nevermind, your version clearly is
the one to go with! thanks!
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a fully
cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is actually used for
the subtraction. You could use rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only
generate maybe a quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a
preview cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems like
nope, will look into that! seems logical..
but as said i still need to add also in x/y plane the bevel, and not really
knowing how to achieve that....
anyway thanks a lot, i will put this up later on github, for further
enhancements and review!
thanks a lot!
http://nohkumado.eu/, http://bboett.free.frhttp://aikido.nohkumado.eu/,
Hello all,
will still work on that for
in the meantime, i put it up here:
https://github.com/nohkumado/opensource_makercoin for review, validation
suggestions (i used the images you kindly provided, Jordan, hope that's
ok?), and in a few day i will try to push it onto Angus :D
Am Sa., 2. März 2024 um 08:59 Uhr schrieb Bruno Boettcher <bboett@gmail.com
Hello Jordan!
wow... thanks a lots for the very detailed analysis!
Am Fr., 1. März 2024 um 21:00 Uhr schrieb Jordan Brown <
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the experimental
vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot. For me, that alone took
preview performance on your model from unusable to sort-of-usable. But
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only to create
regular polygons. To control circle quality, use $fa and $fs. $fa=2 /
$fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting here.
ok, indeed :D looks bad on the screen but you are right, the printer
hasn't that good of a resolution....
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never do in 3D what
you can do in 2D.
will try to keep that in mind :D
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned with a
cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the same as a circle
unioned with a rectangle, with a circle subtracted, all rotate-extruded.
The shape that would be rotate-extruded is this:
that's also exactly what Angus did :'(
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as many nasty
3D operations. (In particular, it avoids that big sphere with its
thousands and thousands of faces - in your design, it has ~26,000 faces.)
ok, think i get it.....
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus subtracted.
But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a circle subtracted,
hmmm since we are at it... a hint how to integrate directly also the
horizontal bevels to that shape?
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded text. A
convexity of four is probably enough, but five is definitely enough.
oh.... never looked into convexity, but noticed the ugly artifacts...
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with $fs=1 renders
in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the experimental Manifold renderer,
they're all sub-second. (Manifold is magic.)
my system is definitely slower :D but nevermind, your version clearly is
the one to go with! thanks!
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a fully
cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is actually used for
the subtraction. You could use rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only
generate maybe a quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a
preview cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems like
nope, will look into that! seems logical..
but as said i still need to add also in x/y plane the bevel, and not
really knowing how to achieve that....
anyway thanks a lot, i will put this up later on github, for further
enhancements and review!
thanks a lot!
http://nohkumado.eu/, http://bboett.free.frhttp://aikido.nohkumado.eu/,
http://nohkumado.eu/, http://bboett.free.frhttp://aikido.nohkumado.eu/,
As well as the fillets, there is the problem of smoothing out the curve
in the top surface, to make it a 'tangent to the rim'. The gui interface
of most cad programs allow a tangent to be applied, or interactive
manual adjustment, since you can draw with lines, interactively pull
them about. In openscad you have to specify the locations. I think it is
achievable by trial and error, or by some mathematical calculations,
beyond my pay grade.. Wrt the fillet, I think it may be simpler? to
create it included with the 14d cylinder which is to be subtracted, as
a sort of curved lip. This could be done, by creating a thin outline,
apply Minkowski with a 2mm radius, and subtract from a shape which
included the 14d cylinder. A lot of effort, but doable, even if slow as
treacle. But, the advantage is, it is all Parametric. Also, many of the
Makersmuse attempts were unable to do filleting. It's been some time,
but I have previously imported scad files into freecad, just to get the
filleting done. Freecad is very good at that, being able to select the
edges, radius for each edge, etc.
I suppose I need to test my 'theories'.
Best wishes,
On 02/03/2024 10:18, Bruno Boettcher via Discuss wrote:
Hello all,
will still work on that for
in the meantime, i put it up here:
https://github.com/nohkumado/opensource_makercoin for review,
validation suggestions (i used the images you kindly provided, Jordan,
hope that's ok?), and in a few day i will try to push it onto Angus :D
Am Sa., 2. März 2024 um 08:59 Uhr schrieb Bruno Boettcher
Hello Jordan!
wow... thanks a lots for the very detailed analysis!
Am Fr., 1. März 2024 um 21:00 Uhr schrieb Jordan Brown
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the
experimental vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot. For
me, that alone took preview performance on your model from
unusable to sort-of-usable. But still...
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only to
create regular polygons. To control circle quality, use $fa
and $fs. $fa=2 / $fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting here.
ok, indeed :D looks bad on the screen but you are right, the
printer hasn't that good of a resolution....
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never do
in 3D what you can do in 2D.
will try to keep that in mind :D
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned
with a cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the same
as a circle unioned with a rectangle, with a circle
subtracted, all rotate-extruded. The shape that would be
rotate-extruded is this:
that's also exactly what Angus did :'(
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as
many nasty 3D operations. (In particular, it avoids that big
sphere with its thousands and thousands of faces - in your
design, it has ~26,000 faces.)
ok, think i get it.....
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus
subtracted. But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a
circle subtracted, rotate-extruded.
hmmm since we are at it... a hint how to integrate directly also
the horizontal bevels to that shape?
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded
text. A convexity of four is probably enough, but five is
definitely enough.
oh.... never looked into convexity, but noticed the ugly artifacts...
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with
$fs=1 renders in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the
experimental Manifold renderer, they're all sub-second.
(Manifold is magic.)
my system is definitely slower :D but nevermind, your version
clearly is the one to go with! thanks!
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a
fully cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is
actually used for the subtraction. You could use
rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only generate maybe a
quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a preview
cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems like
nope, will look into that! seems logical..
but as said i still need to add also in x/y plane the bevel, and
not really knowing how to achieve that....
anyway thanks a lot, i will put this up later on github, for
further enhancements and review!
thanks a lot!
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the first, module profile, just the 20,6 square and the 5r circle
next find the large circle by trial and error. the centre will be
on the y axis (x=0) , and diameter will be the y value - 6
then that will need to be subtracted from the 20,6 square and the
5r circle, and something else, to give the smooth transition.
The something else, by trial and error is a 17.8 square.
useful to use # to give some f5 transparency
If i knew the maths, then trial and error could be
replaced by calculations, allowing a parametric result.
module profile(){
square (17.8);
translate([20,5]) circle(r=5);
module profile2(){
# translate ([0,53.14]) circle(r=47.15);
On 02/03/2024 12:09, Raymond West via Discuss wrote:
As well as the fillets, there is the problem of smoothing out the
curve in the top surface, to make it a 'tangent to the rim'. The gui
interface of most cad programs allow a tangent to be applied, or
interactive manual adjustment, since you can draw with lines,
interactively pull them about. In openscad you have to specify the
locations. I think it is achievable by trial and error, or by some
mathematical calculations, beyond my pay grade.. Wrt the fillet, I
think it may be simpler? to create it included with the 14d cylinder
which is to be subtracted, as a sort of curved lip. This could be
done, by creating a thin outline, apply Minkowski with a 2mm radius,
and subtract from a shape which included the 14d cylinder. A lot of
effort, but doable, even if slow as treacle. But, the advantage is, it
is all Parametric. Also, many of the Makersmuse attempts were unable
to do filleting. It's been some time, but I have previously imported
scad files into freecad, just to get the filleting done. Freecad is
very good at that, being able to select the edges, radius for each
edge, etc.
I suppose I need to test my 'theories'.
Best wishes,
On 02/03/2024 10:18, Bruno Boettcher via Discuss wrote:
Hello all,
will still work on that for
in the meantime, i put it up here:
https://github.com/nohkumado/opensource_makercoin for review,
validation suggestions (i used the images you kindly provided,
Jordan, hope that's ok?), and in a few day i will try to push it onto
Angus :D
Am Sa., 2. März 2024 um 08:59 Uhr schrieb Bruno Boettcher
Hello Jordan!
wow... thanks a lots for the very detailed analysis!
Am Fr., 1. März 2024 um 21:00 Uhr schrieb Jordan Brown
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the
experimental vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot.
For me, that alone took preview performance on your model
from unusable to sort-of-usable. But still...
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only
to create regular polygons. To control circle quality, use
$fa and $fs. $fa=2 / $fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting here.
ok, indeed :D looks bad on the screen but you are right, the
printer hasn't that good of a resolution....
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never
do in 3D what you can do in 2D.
will try to keep that in mind :D
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned
with a cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the
same as a circle unioned with a rectangle, with a circle
subtracted, all rotate-extruded. The shape that would be
rotate-extruded is this:
that's also exactly what Angus did :'(
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as
many nasty 3D operations. (In particular, it avoids that big
sphere with its thousands and thousands of faces - in your
design, it has ~26,000 faces.)
ok, think i get it.....
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus
subtracted. But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a
circle subtracted, rotate-extruded.
hmmm since we are at it... a hint how to integrate directly also
the horizontal bevels to that shape?
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded
text. A convexity of four is probably enough, but five is
definitely enough.
oh.... never looked into convexity, but noticed the ugly artifacts...
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with
$fs=1 renders in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the
experimental Manifold renderer, they're all sub-second.
(Manifold is magic.)
my system is definitely slower :D but nevermind, your version
clearly is the one to go with! thanks!
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a
fully cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is
actually used for the subtraction. You could use
rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only generate maybe a
quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a preview
cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems
like overkill.
nope, will look into that! seems logical..
but as said i still need to add also in x/y plane the bevel, and
not really knowing how to achieve that....
anyway thanks a lot, i will put this up later on github, for
further enhancements and review!
thanks a lot!
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OpenSCAD mailing list
To unsubscribe send an email todiscuss-leave@lists.openscad.org
The BOSL2 library has a number of modules that create geometry that is
tangent to other geometry. Maybe that would help make this parametric.
On 3/2/2024 8:19 AM, Raymond West via Discuss wrote:
the first, module profile, just the 20,6 square and the 5r circle
next find the large circle by trial and error. the centre will be
on the y axis (x=0) , and diameter will be the y value - 6
then that will need to be subtracted from the 20,6 square and the
5r circle, and something else, to give the smooth transition.
The something else, by trial and error is a 17.8 square.
useful to use # to give some f5 transparency
If i knew the maths, then trial and error could be
replaced by calculations, allowing a parametric result.
module profile(){
square (17.8);
translate([20,5]) circle(r=5);
module profile2(){
# translate ([0,53.14]) circle(r=47.15);
On 02/03/2024 12:09, Raymond West via Discuss wrote:
As well as the fillets, there is the problem of smoothing out the
curve in the top surface, to make it a 'tangent to the rim'. The gui
interface of most cad programs allow a tangent to be applied, or
interactive manual adjustment, since you can draw with lines,
interactively pull them about. In openscad you have to specify the
locations. I think it is achievable by trial and error, or by some
mathematical calculations, beyond my pay grade.. Wrt the fillet, I
think it may be simpler? to create it included with the 14d cylinder
which is to be subtracted, as a sort of curved lip. This could be
done, by creating a thin outline, apply Minkowski with a 2mm radius,
and subtract from a shape which included the 14d cylinder. A lot of
effort, but doable, even if slow as treacle. But, the advantage is,
it is all Parametric. Also, many of the Makersmuse attempts were
unable to do filleting. It's been some time, but I have previously
imported scad files into freecad, just to get the filleting done.
Freecad is very good at that, being able to select the edges, radius
for each edge, etc.
I suppose I need to test my 'theories'.
Best wishes,
On 02/03/2024 10:18, Bruno Boettcher via Discuss wrote:
Hello all,
will still work on that for
in the meantime, i put it up here:
https://github.com/nohkumado/opensource_makercoin for review,
validation suggestions (i used the images you kindly provided,
Jordan, hope that's ok?), and in a few day i will try to push it
onto Angus :D
Am Sa., 2. März 2024 um 08:59 Uhr schrieb Bruno Boettcher
Hello Jordan!
wow... thanks a lots for the very detailed analysis!
Am Fr., 1. März 2024 um 21:00 Uhr schrieb Jordan Brown
Indeed, that performance is really awful. Turning on the
experimental vertex-object-renderer features helps a lot.
For me, that alone took preview performance on your model
from unusable to sort-of-usable. But still...
The first thing is easy. Repeat this mantra: use $fn only
to create regular polygons. To control circle quality, use
$fa and $fs. $fa=2 / $fs=1 seems like a reasonable setting
ok, indeed :D looks bad on the screen but you are right, the
printer hasn't that good of a resolution....
That leads us to a second and more difficult mantra: never
do in 3D what you can do in 2D.
will try to keep that in mind :D
You have the basic shape of the coin being a torus unioned
with a cylinder, with a sphere subtracted. But that's the
same as a circle unioned with a rectangle, with a circle
subtracted, all rotate-extruded. The shape that would be
rotate-extruded is this:
that's also exactly what Angus did :'(
That gets you the body of the coin, without anywhere near as
many nasty 3D operations. (In particular, it avoids that
big sphere with its thousands and thousands of faces - in
your design, it has ~26,000 faces.)
ok, think i get it.....
Similarly, you have cutout() being a cylinder with a torus
subtracted. But that's the same thing as a rectangle with a
circle subtracted, rotate-extruded.
hmmm since we are at it... a hint how to integrate directly also
the horizontal bevels to that shape?
Also, you have a convexity problem on the linear-extruded
text. A convexity of four is probably enough, but five is
definitely enough.
oh.... never looked into convexity, but noticed the ugly
On my system (i7-13700), yours F6-renders in 1m6s; mine with
$fs=1 renders in 15s; with $fs=0.5 in 54s. But with the
experimental Manifold renderer, they're all sub-second.
(Manifold is magic.)
my system is definitely slower :D but nevermind, your version
clearly is the one to go with! thanks!
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a
fully cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is
actually used for the subtraction. You could use
rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only generate maybe a
quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a preview
cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems
like overkill.
nope, will look into that! seems logical..
but as said i still need to add also in x/y plane the bevel, and
not really knowing how to achieve that....
anyway thanks a lot, i will put this up later on github, for
further enhancements and review!
thanks a lot!
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Probably good enough to 3d print, rendering obviously slow, but it
works. More time, higher resolution. (The values are what I noted from
the Youtube by Angus)
code attached. Basically made the shape smaller by the size of the
fillet, then applied Minkowski to the whole thing, then at the end,
embossed the letters. I attempted to subtract the individual notches,
then add in fillets individually, but it got even more messy (bit=0.1 is
left over from that, maybe more). I may. or may not do the couple of
calculations i mention in the comments, but only as an exercise. The
rest of it is pretty well parametric, but I guess that's just the
number of notches and size of fillet.
It would be trivial to turn this into something functional, labelled
hydraulic hand-wheels, whatever.
On Sat, Mar 02, 2024 at 08:59:46AM +0100, Bruno Boettcher via Discuss wrote:
If one wanted to optimize further, note that cutout() is a fully
cylindrical object, and only a small fraction of it is actually used for
the subtraction. You could use rotate_extrude's angle parameter to only
generate maybe a quarter of it. Those invisible negative faces have a
preview cost (and probably a rendering cost too). But that seems like
nope, will look into that! seems logical..
It is an optimiztation, that if it is unnecessary, you really
shouldn't do. You're complicating a "cylinder" into rotate-extruding
over a specific angle that comes out of nowhere.
If you're reading that code a couple of years from now the simple
cylinder is much easier to understand than "why the BEEP do you need
to rotate extrude that over that specific angle".
The other things are structural, the way you build it up kind of
things. The way you THINK about it changes, but it doesn't really get
more complicated.
This is "complicating code" that only benefits the performance of
rendering.... "probably overkill".
(Openscad code can already become unreadable quite easily. So try to
keep things as simple as possible! )
** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** https://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2049110 **
** Delftechpark 11 2628 XJ Delft, The Netherlands. KVK: 27239233 **
f equals m times a. When your f is steady, and your m is going down
your a is going up. -- Chris Hadfield about flying up the space shuttle.