//Maker token scd =14; //radius of cylindrical notch fr=2; // radius of fillet bit=0.1; // for small differances. to fudge lines the smaller more accurate md=10; // diameter of cross section of 'outer ring' mh =6 ; // height of centre cd =20; // diameter of circle of outer rings cpn = 55; //diameter of ring for centre point for notches n=8; //number of notches; ts=8; //textsize //$fn=30; $fs=1; //$fa=10; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// module profile(){ // $fn=90; square([cd,mh]); square (17.8); // need to calculate translate([cd, md/2]) circle(d=md); } //profile(); module profile2(){ //$fn=90; square([mh+mh,mh]); difference(){ profile(); translate ([0,53.14]) circle(r=47.15); // need to calculate } translate([-fr,0])square([fr+fr,mh]); } //profile2(); module smallprofile(){ //profile2 less fr, for use with miskowski notching // $fn=90; offset(r=-fr) profile2(); // translate([0,fr]) square([fr+fr,mh-fr-fr]); } //#smallprofile(); /* module shape(){ rotate_extrude(convexity=10)profile2(); } //#shape(); */ module smallshape(){ rotate_extrude(convexity=md/2)smallprofile(); } //smallshape(); module notchmin(){ translate([cpn/2,0,0])cylinder (h=cd,d=scd+fr+fr); } module notchesmin(){ for (j=[0:360/n:360]) rotate([0,0,j]) notchmin(); } module b4min(){ difference(){ smallshape(); notchesmin(); } } module coin(){ minkowski(){ b4min(); sphere(fr); } } //coin(); module emboss(){ translate([0,0,mh-1]) linear_extrude(10) text("RW",halign= "center",valign="center", size=ts); } module done(){ difference(){ coin(); emboss(); } } done();