I know that I can't pass a module name as an argument, and that there
is the children() module as a work-around for that.
However, I could not find a way to pass an argument to a child.
I wonder whether there is a way, or it is really impossible?
What I would need it for is that I have a few different objects.
They all have a parameter.
I need to generate these objects, with different positions/orientations
and parameter values, all of which are calculated by an external
program. Something like this:
q_data = [ [[rot_vect], [tras_vect], para ], ... ];
p_data = [ [[rot_vect], [tras_vect], para ], ... ];
include <data.scad>
module q_object( para )
module p_object( para )
module generate( list )
for ( a = list ) {
rotate( a[0] )
translate( a[1] )
children( 0 )( a[2] ); // This is not valid code
generate( q_data ) q_object();
generate( p_data ) p_object();
The real generate() is a lot more complex and actually needs to
generate multiple objects with locally adjusted values, but the general
gist of the problem is there.
You can set a $ variable that the child module can look at.
module repeat(n, dx) {
for (i=[1:n]) {
translate([i*dx,0,0]) {
$i = i;
repeat(5, 20) text(str($i));
Thanks for the tip!