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Polyhole tester: unexpected result after printing

Wed, Apr 14, 2021 9:37 AM

In a parallel thread I posted about a SCAD I'd just edited. It was neatly
printing my 18 minute remix of nophead's original with a few minutes to go,
so I left it to finish and cool. When I returned there was nothing on the
bed apart from the small skirt!

After raising the hot end of my Ender 3 V2 I quickly found it, stuck hard to
the nozzle.


(BTW, I initially tried 'Insert Image', but it rotated my photo 90 degs.)

After reheating I pulled it off and there was a mess looking like a
distorted, hollow cylinder in the corner near but not covering the largest
(4mm) hole.

The sliced STL looks OK in Cura to my inexperienced eye. Here's a screenshot
showing the very end of its animated preview.


But before I pursue my Cura settings and other causes I'd appreciate
confirmation that it's not some basic error in my SCAD file please.

(I'm assuming code can be pasted directly, with no special tags?)

module polyhole(h, d) {
n = max(round(2 * d),3);
cylinder(h = h, r = (d / 2) / cos (180 / n), $fn = n);

difference() {
translate ([5,4,0]) cube(size = [25,20,3]);
union() {
for(i = [2:4]) {
translate([(i * i + i)/2 + 3 * i , 10,-1])
polyhole(h = 5, d = i);

        assign(d = i + 0.5)
            translate([(d * d + d)/2 + 3 * d, 17,-1])
                polyhole(h = 5, d = d);



Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

In a parallel thread I posted about a SCAD I'd just edited. It was neatly printing my 18 minute remix of nophead's original with a few minutes to go, so I left it to finish and cool. When I returned there was nothing on the bed apart from the small skirt! After raising the hot end of my Ender 3 V2 I quickly found it, stuck hard to the nozzle. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nlrcbnugh1hsnv0/20210413-AWOL-PolyholeTest.jpg?dl=0httraw=1 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/nlrcbnugh1hsnv0/20210413-AWOL-PolyholeTest.jpg?dl=0httraw=1> (BTW, I initially tried 'Insert Image', but it rotated my photo 90 degs.) After reheating I pulled it off and there was a mess looking like a distorted, hollow cylinder in the corner near but not covering the largest (4mm) hole. The sliced STL looks OK in Cura to my inexperienced eye. Here's a screenshot showing the very end of its animated preview. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhqm4divmp9wrxk/Polyholes-e1-Cura-DQ-Preview.jpg?raw=1 <https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhqm4divmp9wrxk/Polyholes-e1-Cura-DQ-Preview.jpg?raw=1> But before I pursue my Cura settings and other causes I'd appreciate confirmation that it's not some basic error in my SCAD file please. (I'm assuming code can be pasted directly, with no special tags?) module polyhole(h, d) { n = max(round(2 * d),3); rotate([0,0,180]) cylinder(h = h, r = (d / 2) / cos (180 / n), $fn = n); } difference() { translate ([5,4,0]) cube(size = [25,20,3]); union() { for(i = [2:4]) { translate([(i * i + i)/2 + 3 * i , 10,-1]) polyhole(h = 5, d = i); assign(d = i + 0.5) translate([(d * d + d)/2 + 3 * d, 17,-1]) polyhole(h = 5, d = d); } } } Terry -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/