On 1/28/24 07:05, Father Horton via Discuss wrote:
This is correct.
Which is also how I read it.
On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 5:34 AM jon <jon@jonbondy.com
mailto:jon@jonbondy.com> wrote:
I believe that you misunderstood what Father Horton was trying to
say. The "crazy" was intended as "complex" or "challenging" or
"intricate". Like "how complex do you want to get". No one was
attacking you.
On 1/27/2024 11:10 PM, neri-engineering via Discuss wrote:
Are you American? Your ways involve "taking swipes at people"
without fully comprehending how something is used. If you can
belittle someone else, even in the case where that person you are
belittling specifically chose the methodology for his approach
with a very good reason, then all the better for you. In the same
way the American two year old temper tantrum baby is destroying
the world around itself, internationally, by taking swipes at
people everywhere, because it is going through its "terrible
twos", but in this case it's more like two centuries of the Roman
fucking Empire version 2.0, the original of which had Jesus of
Nazareth put to death. These religious retards, who pretend to
praise this man but are secretly worshiping the killers of this
man, are especially to blame for this problem.
Yet another reason I'm moving away from OpenSCAD. It's because
many of the participants on this list are mental fucking retards.
Now I could go into how similar the Roman Catholic Church is to
the GPL license, both in its monopolistic, forceful, and
contaminating strategy _and_ by whom it was invented, but I will
save my fingers and breath and focus instead on doing good work.
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On Saturday, January 27th, 2024 at 6:55 PM, Father Horton via
Discuss <discuss@lists.openscad.org>
<mailto:discuss@lists.openscad.org> wrote:
How crazy do you want to get? If you call parameters by name, you
can have it initialize the value of i for you with a default.
On Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 6:11 PM neri-engineering
<mailto:neri-engineering@protonmail.com>> wrote:
Indeed the 'let' construct is a life-saver to make code much
clearer whereas it would have taken additional recursive
helper functions to achieve the same level of clarity. This
is an example that is working for me now.
// Parameter 'i' should be initialized to zero. Some examples:
// segs=3,q=true: [0,2,4,6,8,9,7,5,3,1]
// segs=3,q=false: [0, 4,6,8,9,7,5, 1]
function __invol_gear_path_builder(i,segs,q)=
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On Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 9:50 PM, Father Horton
via Discuss <discuss@lists.openscad.org
<mailto:discuss@lists.openscad.org>> wrote:
Actually you can declare local variables. It's just not
obvious how.
From the manual:
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 9:47 PM neri-engineering via Discuss
<mailto:discuss@lists.openscad.org>> wrote:
It's because in functions you can't declare local
variables. So many times you end up writing helper
functions which take the semi-compiled form of
equations/data. This is one of the reasons why recursive
functions in OpenSCAD are difficult to write. It
certainly takes some getting used to. That's why I call
it "sorcery". It's good mental gymnastics to keep you
sharp, to prevent the ole Alzheimer's from setting in.
We keep our bodies sharp by working out and we keep our
minds sharp by writing recursive functions in OpenSCAD.
Some examples I can give you which demonstrate my point.
With a standard iterative process we would accomplish
the following with simpler code.
// There are 21 steps currently.
animation_durations=[1, // # 1 slipper_back_plate()
1, // # 2 slipper_bearing()
2, // # 3 top_shaft()
1, // # 4 slipper_back_plate_pin()
2, // # 5 spur_gear() & left_slipper_pad()
1, // # 6 right_slipper_pad()
1, // # 7 slipper_front_plate()
1, // # 8 slipper_spring()
3, // # 9 slipper_nut()
1, // #10 slipper_to_drive_gear_spacer()
1, // #11 drive_gear()
1, // #12 top_shaft_left_spacer() &
// left_top_shaft_bearing()
1, // #13 top_shaft_right_spacer() &
// right_top_shaft_bearing()
2, // #14 top_shaft_end_screw()
2]; // # ending()
// Returns a 1-based part number. Does not start from
zero. Identifies the
// part being "introduced" in its introductory animation.
function get_part_number(tick,index)=
function total_animation_steps(index,step_count)=
// Parameter 'partnum' is one-based. Returns the number
of animation steps
// that have preceded the beginning of part intro
animation for specified part.
// The input parameter is 1-based and represents the part #.
function part_animation_steps(partnum)=
// Value 't' is a value in [0,1), it increases linearly
with time to span the
// entirety of animation.
t=0.34; // For example, we're a bit more than 1/3 of the
way through the anim.
// Parameter 'i' is the animation ticker, zero-based.
i=floor(t*total_animation_steps(0,0)); // Start from 0.
// Parameter 'w' is like 't', meaning it is in the range
0 <= w < 1, but it
// is specific to the part intro animation. The part
intro animation begins
// at w=0 and is already over at w=1.
// First it will print out a one-based index describing
the part we're on.
// Next it will print out which fraction of this part's
scene we've done.
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On Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 7:21 PM, Adrian
Mariano via Discuss <discuss@lists.openscad.org
<mailto:discuss@lists.openscad.org>> wrote:
I don't understand why it's any trickier to assemble
the order of points with recursive programming. In
either case, if you have a growing list (the result)
you compute new values and add them to the end of the
list. Normally I write a recursive function something like
function func(result,info) =
done ? result
: func(concat(result, more_results_based_on_info),
The result grows in an obvious way and there is no
"trickery" or "sorcery" involved. It's as straight
forward as any other kind of coding, though it can get
annoying if "info" contains many things, and I can't
say anything good about the speed of execution.
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 3:30 PM neri-engineering via
Discuss <discuss@lists.openscad.org
<mailto:discuss@lists.openscad.org>> wrote:
With recursive functions it's a bit tricky to
figure out the order of points after they're all
assembled. The problem I had was that the recursive
function which called concat() on two lists did it
in an order that resulted in the final list having
its points in a reverse order from what I expected.
There is always "trickery" and a fair bit of
"sorcery" involved in getting recursive functions
to do the right thing. Anyhow this reverse order
(from what I was assuming) is what caused the
clockwise/counterclockwise polygon traversal situation.
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On Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 at 2:06 PM, David
Phillip Oster via Discuss
<mailto:discuss@lists.openscad.org>> wrote:
Thank you for that neri-engineering, and nop head.
That’s a fun example.
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