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search a solution converting special string to array for customizer

Wed, May 19, 2021 7:40 PM

I'm rather new using OpenSCAD and now I have a problem to convert a certain
type of string to a special array.
it would be nice if someone can help me.
The background: because with OpenSCAD customizer its only possible to edit
strings and not arrays, with more than 1Dim,
I try to convert a string form a field in customizer to a group of arrays,
so that this can be further handeld by OpenScad.
The result should be a group of arrays like in "ArrTest"
Here is my Example-code:
/echo("---- Example conv. string to group of array -----");

// this string has to be converted to group of arrays:
// String can be changed in customizer

// result, like it must be,but not editable in customizer

echo("len(ArrTest): ",len(ArrTest));

ArrNew=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) ArrTest[i]];
echo("Single Element: ArrNew[0][0]:",ArrNew[0][0]);

// the result of conversion, but not fully parameterized
echo("ArrNewOk(but 2nd part w.numbers not dyn.):",ArrNewOk);

// false Tries
ArrTry1=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) for(j=[0:2])

ArrTry2=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) for(j=[0:2]) [ArrTest[i][j]]] ;

"String": this string that can be changed in customizer
"ArrTest": example-string of the resultingmust be converted in this form
with help of some ext.libs (strings and TOUL),  I have converted the
input-string to the form in "ArrNewOk".
I can select each array and each element of the arrays. Thats ok so far.
This form has the desired result, but the second element of the array has
numbers and not vars.
I cannot find a way to build up the second loop (without using brackets in
the for loop), so that the result is correct.
"ArrTry1" and "ArrtTry2" give all incorrect results.

Has anyone a hint to solve my problem?

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

Hello, I'm rather new using OpenSCAD and now I have a problem to convert a certain type of string to a special array. it would be nice if someone can help me. The background: because with OpenSCAD customizer its only possible to edit strings and not arrays, with more than 1Dim, I try to convert a string form a field in customizer to a group of arrays, so that this can be further handeld by OpenScad. The result should be a group of arrays like in "ArrTest" Here is my Example-code: /echo("---- Example conv. string to group of array -----"); // this string has to be converted to group of arrays: // String can be changed in customizer String="[1,2,3];[4,5,6];[7,8,9]"; // result, like it must be,but not editable in customizer ArrTest=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]; echo("ArrTest:",ArrTest); echo("len(ArrTest): ",len(ArrTest)); ArrNew=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) ArrTest[i]]; echo("ArrNew:",ArrNew); echo("Single Element: ArrNew[0][0]:",ArrNew[0][0]); // the result of conversion, but not fully parameterized ArrNewOk=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) [ArrTest[i][0],ArrTest[i][1],ArrTest[i][2]]]; echo("ArrNewOk(but 2nd part w.numbers not dyn.):",ArrNewOk); // false Tries ArrTry1=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) for(j=[0:2]) [ArrTest[i][j],ArrTest[i][j],ArrTest[i][j]]]; echo("ArrTry1(wrong):",ArrTry1); ArrTry2=[for(i=[0:len(ArrTest)-1]) for(j=[0:2]) [ArrTest[i][j]]] ; echo("ArrTry2(wrong):",ArrTry2); / "String": this string that can be changed in customizer "ArrTest": example-string of the resultingmust be converted in this form with help of some ext.libs (strings and TOUL), I have converted the input-string to the form in "ArrNewOk". I can select each array and each element of the arrays. Thats ok so far. This form has the desired result, but the second element of the array has numbers and not vars. I cannot find a way to build up the second loop (without using brackets in the for loop), so that the result is correct. "ArrTry1" and "ArrtTry2" give all incorrect results. Has anyone a hint to solve my problem? Miguel -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/
Sun, May 23, 2021 9:22 AM

Hang in there Moster, I'm almost there.
I went the hard way, but just had a thought of a simpler way, depending.

Are you too fussed on internals?
Given it is three groups, separated by ';' of 3 numbers, separated by ',',
and various '[]'.
Are you OK with ',' instead of ';' (ie "[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]")?
I can just extracted 9 numbers, then return them as a vector of three
vectors as you specified is that ok?
I would ignore any '[' & ']' (thus having 9 numbers separated by ',')
Just makes it a bit simpler & concise code.

Either way, as I'm close on the original '...];[...' solution.

Noting that there is no syntax checking.

OpenSCAD Admin - email* me if you need anything,  or if I've done something stupid...

  • on the Forum, click on my MichaelAtOz label, there is a link to email me.

Unless specifically shown otherwise above, my contribution is in the Public Domain; to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. Obviously inclusion of works of previous authors is not included in the above.

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

Hang in there Moster, I'm almost there. I went the hard way, but just had a thought of a simpler way, depending. Are you too fussed on internals? Given it is three groups, separated by ';' of 3 numbers, separated by ',', and various '[]'. Are you OK with ',' instead of ';' (ie "[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]")? I can just extracted 9 numbers, then return them as a vector of three vectors as you specified is that ok? I would ignore any '[' & ']' (thus having 9 numbers separated by ',') Just makes it a bit simpler & concise code. Either way, as I'm close on the original '...];[...' solution. Noting that there is no syntax checking. ----- OpenSCAD Admin - email* me if you need anything, or if I've done something stupid... * on the Forum, click on my MichaelAtOz label, there is a link to email me. Unless specifically shown otherwise above, my contribution is in the Public Domain; to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. Obviously inclusion of works of previous authors is not included in the above. -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/
Sun, May 23, 2021 1:29 PM

Hi Michael,
thx for your answer.
yes, a possible input in form of [1,2,3],[1,2,3].. would be optimal. I had
choosen the separator ";" only because customizer isn't capable to handle it
as input. I need only tese group of arrays.
Meanwhile I have worked at a solution, what fits, but not nice and rather
complex, a nightmare to program for me, because at the end it has to be a
function. I used some code from your examples, Thanks a lot, and the lib
"strings.scad" from "16807" published on
thingiverse(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:526023). I had choosen the
easier way and not to reinvent the wheel.
Here my result-code:

/include <strings.scad>
// string as input customizer
// the result is a coorect formatted group of array

// function str2arr (string)
// concetanation from these code lines:
// remove brackets
sShort=replace((replace(sFP_Holes, "[", "")), "]", "");
// number of Elements of the pseudo-StringArray, its format is string, ";"
as separator
aNumSep = split(sShort,";"); // result are 3 arrays with strings as element
// Elements of inner array als string
aNumSepInner = [for(i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) (split(aNumSep[i],","))];
// inner array, Element[0][0] as len-value, all Elements same dim.
arr = [for (i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) for(j=[0:len(aNumSepInner[0])-1])
// seperate array in Groups
aNew = array_group(arr,len(aNumSepInner[0]));
function str2arr(string)=
array_group([for (i=[0:len(split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]",
"")),";"))-1]) for(j=[0:len(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string,
"[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[",
"")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))])[0])-1])
(str2num(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]",
"")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]",
"[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[",
"")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))][0]));


function array_group(v, cnt=2, dflt=0) =
[for (i = [0:cnt:len(v)-1]) [for (j = [0:1:cnt-1]) default(v[i+j],

// Function: default()
// Usage:
//  val = default(val, dflt);
// Topics: Undef Handling
// See Also: first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined()
// Description:
//  Returns the value given as v if it is not undef.
//  Otherwise, returns the value of dflt.
// Arguments:
//  v = Value to pass through if not undef.
//  dflt = Value to return if v is undef.
function default(v,dflt=undef) = is_undef(v)? dflt : v;

// released to the public domain as "hex.scad", by MichaelAtOz
function str2num(h="0",i=-1) =
// convers a string of digits into a decimal number
i == -1
? str2num(h,i=len(h)-1)
:  i == 0
? decDigit(h[0])
: decDigit(h[i]) + 10*str2num(h,i-1);

function decDigit(d="") =
len(d) != 1 ? undef :
d[0] == "0" ? 0 :
d[0] == "1" ? 1 :
d[0] == "2" ? 2 :
d[0] == "3" ? 3 :
d[0] == "4" ? 4 :
d[0] == "5" ? 5 :
d[0] == "6" ? 6 :
d[0] == "7" ? 7 :
d[0] == "8" ? 8 :
d[0] == "9" ? 9 : (0/0); // 0/0=nan



thanks and regards Miguel

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

Hi Michael, thx for your answer. yes, a possible input in form of [1,2,3],[1,2,3].. would be optimal. I had choosen the separator ";" only because customizer isn't capable to handle it as input. I need only tese group of arrays. Meanwhile I have worked at a solution, what fits, but not nice and rather complex, a nightmare to program for me, because at the end it has to be a function. I used some code from your examples, Thanks a lot, and the lib "strings.scad" from "16807" published on thingiverse(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:526023). I had choosen the easier way and not to reinvent the wheel. Here my result-code: /include <strings.scad> // string as input customizer string="[1,2,3,3];[4,5,6,10]"; // the result is a coorect formatted group of array aNew=str2arr(string); echo(aNew); //*****************************************************+ // function str2arr (string) // concetanation from these code lines: // remove brackets /* sShort=replace((replace(sFP_Holes, "[", "")), "]", ""); // number of Elements of the pseudo-StringArray, its format is string, ";" as separator aNumSep = split(sShort,";"); // result are 3 arrays with strings as element // Elements of inner array als string aNumSepInner = [for(i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) (split(aNumSep[i],","))]; // inner array, Element[0][0] as len-value, all Elements same dim. arr = [for (i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) for(j=[0:len(aNumSepInner[0])-1]) (str2num(aNumSepInner[i][j]))]; // seperate array in Groups aNew = array_group(arr,len(aNumSepInner[0])); */ function str2arr(string)= array_group([for (i=[0:len(split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";"))-1]) for(j=[0:len(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))])[0])-1]) (str2num(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))])[i][j]))],len([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))][0])); //******************************************************** function array_group(v, cnt=2, dflt=0) = [for (i = [0:cnt:len(v)-1]) [for (j = [0:1:cnt-1]) default(v[i+j], dflt)]]; // Function: default() // Usage: // val = default(val, dflt); // Topics: Undef Handling // See Also: first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined() // Description: // Returns the value given as `v` if it is not `undef`. // Otherwise, returns the value of `dflt`. // Arguments: // v = Value to pass through if not `undef`. // dflt = Value to return if `v` *is* `undef`. function default(v,dflt=undef) = is_undef(v)? dflt : v; // released to the public domain as "hex.scad", by MichaelAtOz function str2num(h="0",i=-1) = // convers a string of digits into a decimal number i == -1 ? str2num(h,i=len(h)-1) : i == 0 ? decDigit(h[0]) : decDigit(h[i]) + 10*str2num(h,i-1); function decDigit(d="") = len(d) != 1 ? undef : d[0] == "0" ? 0 : d[0] == "1" ? 1 : d[0] == "2" ? 2 : d[0] == "3" ? 3 : d[0] == "4" ? 4 : d[0] == "5" ? 5 : d[0] == "6" ? 6 : d[0] == "7" ? 7 : d[0] == "8" ? 8 : d[0] == "9" ? 9 : (0/0); // 0/0=nan //-------------------------------------- / thanks and regards Miguel -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/
Father Horton
Sun, May 23, 2021 4:20 PM

function decDigit(d="") =
len(d) != 1? undef : ord(d[0]) - ord("0"));

Not as clear, perhaps, but shorter.

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 8:29 AM Moster mostermann@gmx.de wrote:

Hi Michael,
thx for your answer.
yes, a possible input in form of [1,2,3],[1,2,3].. would be optimal. I had
choosen the separator ";" only because customizer isn't capable to handle
it as input. I need only tese group of arrays.
Meanwhile I have worked at a solution, what fits, but not nice and rather
complex, a nightmare to program for me, because at the end it has to be a
function. I used some code from your examples, Thanks a lot, and the lib
"strings.scad" from "16807" published on thingiverse(
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:526023). I had choosen the easier way
and not to reinvent the wheel.
Here my result-code:

include <strings.scad>// string as input customizer
string="[1,2,3,3];[4,5,6,10]"; // the result is a coorect formatted group
of array aNew=str2arr(string); echo(aNew);
//*****************************************************+ // function
str2arr (string) // concetanation from these code lines: // remove brackets
sShort=replace((replace(sFP_Holes, "[", "")), "]", ""); // number of
Elements of the pseudo-StringArray, its format is string, ";" as separator
aNumSep = split(sShort,";"); // result are 3 arrays with strings as element
// Elements of inner array als string aNumSepInner =
[for(i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) (split(aNumSep[i],","))]; // inner array,
Element[0][0] as len-value, all Elements same dim. arr = [for
(i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) for(j=[0:len(aNumSepInner[0])-1])
(str2num(aNumSepInner[i][j]))]; // seperate array in Groups aNew =
array_group(arr,len(aNumSepInner[0])); / function str2arr(string)=
array_group([for (i=[0:len(split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]",
"")),";"))-1]) for(j=[0:len(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string,
"[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string,
"[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))])[0])-1])
(str2num(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]",
"")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]",
"[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string,
"[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))][0]));
******************************************************* function
array_group(v, cnt=2, dflt=0) =    [for (i = [0:cnt:len(v)-1]) [for (j =
[0:1:cnt-1]) default(v[i+j], dflt)]]; // Function: default() // Usage: //
val = default(val, dflt); // Topics: Undef Handling // See Also:
first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined() // Description: //  Returns
the value given as v if it is not undef. //  Otherwise, returns the
value of dflt. // Arguments: //  v = Value to pass through if not
undef. //  dflt = Value to return if v is undef. function
default(v,dflt=undef) = is_undef(v)? dflt : v;    // released to the
public domain as "hex.scad", by MichaelAtOz function str2num(h="0",i=-1) =
// convers a string of digits into a decimal number    i == -1    ?
str2num(h,i=len(h)-1)    :  i == 0        ? decDigit(h[0])        :
decDigit(h[i]) + 10*str2num(h,i-1); function decDigit(d="") =    len(d) !=
1 ? undef :    d[0] == "0" ? 0 :    d[0] == "1" ? 1 :    d[0] == "2" ? 2
:    d[0] == "3" ? 3 :    d[0] == "4" ? 4 :    d[0] == "5" ? 5 :
d[0] == "6" ? 6 :    d[0] == "7" ? 7 :    d[0] == "8" ? 8 :    d[0] ==
"9" ? 9 : (0/0); // 0/0=nan //-------------------------------------- *

thanks and regards Miguel

Sent from the OpenSCAD mailing list archive http://forum.openscad.org/
at Nabble.com.

OpenSCAD mailing list
To unsubscribe send an email to discuss-leave@lists.openscad.org

function decDigit(d="") = len(d) != 1? undef : ord(d[0]) - ord("0")); Not as clear, perhaps, but shorter. On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 8:29 AM Moster <mostermann@gmx.de> wrote: > Hi Michael, > thx for your answer. > yes, a possible input in form of [1,2,3],[1,2,3].. would be optimal. I had > choosen the separator ";" only because customizer isn't capable to handle > it as input. I need only tese group of arrays. > Meanwhile I have worked at a solution, what fits, but not nice and rather > complex, a nightmare to program for me, because at the end it has to be a > function. I used some code from your examples, Thanks a lot, and the lib > "strings.scad" from "16807" published on thingiverse( > https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:526023). I had choosen the easier way > and not to reinvent the wheel. > Here my result-code: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > *include <strings.scad>// string as input customizer > string="[1,2,3,3];[4,5,6,10]"; // the result is a coorect formatted group > of array aNew=str2arr(string); echo(aNew); > //*****************************************************+ // function > str2arr (string) // concetanation from these code lines: // remove brackets > /* sShort=replace((replace(sFP_Holes, "[", "")), "]", ""); // number of > Elements of the pseudo-StringArray, its format is string, ";" as separator > aNumSep = split(sShort,";"); // result are 3 arrays with strings as element > // Elements of inner array als string aNumSepInner = > [for(i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) (split(aNumSep[i],","))]; // inner array, > Element[0][0] as len-value, all Elements same dim. arr = [for > (i=[0:len(aNumSep)-1]) for(j=[0:len(aNumSepInner[0])-1]) > (str2num(aNumSepInner[i][j]))]; // seperate array in Groups aNew = > array_group(arr,len(aNumSepInner[0])); */ function str2arr(string)= > array_group([for (i=[0:len(split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", > "")),";"))-1]) for(j=[0:len(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, > "[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, > "[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))])[0])-1]) > (str2num(([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", > "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, "[", "")), "]", > "")),";"))[i],","))])[i][j]))],len([for(i=[0:len((split((replace((replace(string, > "[", "")), "]", "")),";")))-1]) (split((split((replace((replace(string, > "[", "")), "]", "")),";"))[i],","))][0])); > //******************************************************** function > array_group(v, cnt=2, dflt=0) = [for (i = [0:cnt:len(v)-1]) [for (j = > [0:1:cnt-1]) default(v[i+j], dflt)]]; // Function: default() // Usage: // > val = default(val, dflt); // Topics: Undef Handling // See Also: > first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined() // Description: // Returns > the value given as `v` if it is not `undef`. // Otherwise, returns the > value of `dflt`. // Arguments: // v = Value to pass through if not > `undef`. // dflt = Value to return if `v` *is* `undef`. function > default(v,dflt=undef) = is_undef(v)? dflt : v; // released to the > public domain as "hex.scad", by MichaelAtOz function str2num(h="0",i=-1) = > // convers a string of digits into a decimal number i == -1 ? > str2num(h,i=len(h)-1) : i == 0 ? decDigit(h[0]) : > decDigit(h[i]) + 10*str2num(h,i-1); function decDigit(d="") = len(d) != > 1 ? undef : d[0] == "0" ? 0 : d[0] == "1" ? 1 : d[0] == "2" ? 2 > : d[0] == "3" ? 3 : d[0] == "4" ? 4 : d[0] == "5" ? 5 : > d[0] == "6" ? 6 : d[0] == "7" ? 7 : d[0] == "8" ? 8 : d[0] == > "9" ? 9 : (0/0); // 0/0=nan //-------------------------------------- * > > thanks and regards Miguel > ------------------------------ > Sent from the OpenSCAD mailing list archive <http://forum.openscad.org/> > at Nabble.com. > _______________________________________________ > OpenSCAD mailing list > To unsubscribe send an email to discuss-leave@lists.openscad.org >
Sun, May 23, 2021 5:48 PM

I have tried your hint, but cannot get the desired result?.
In easy words what the code should do, so it can be changed by customizer:
input: string="[1,2,3];[4,5,6];...
output: array=[[1, 2, 3 ], [4, 5, 6]...]

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

I have tried your hint, but cannot get the desired result?. In easy words what the code should do, so it can be changed by customizer: input: string="[1,2,3];[4,5,6];... output: array=[[1, 2, 3 ], [4, 5, 6]...] -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/
Mon, May 24, 2021 12:20 AM

Sorry, that is in regards to me coding a function to convert the string into the vector format you

It doesn't happen automatically.

With ',' instead of ';' it is just easier to code it.

From: Moster [mailto:mostermann@gmx.de]
Sent: Mon, 24 May 2021 03:48
To: discuss@lists.openscad.org
Subject: [OpenSCAD] Re: search a solution converting special string to array for customizer

I have tried your hint, but cannot get the desired result?.
In easy words what the code should do, so it can be changed by customizer:
input: string="[1,2,3];[4,5,6];...
output: array=[[1, 2, 3 ], [4, 5, 6]...]

Sent from the OpenSCAD mailing http://forum.openscad.org/  list archive at Nabble.com.

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Sorry, that is in regards to me coding a function to convert the string into the vector format you want. It doesn't happen automatically. With ',' instead of ';' it is just easier to code it. _____ From: Moster [mailto:mostermann@gmx.de] Sent: Mon, 24 May 2021 03:48 To: discuss@lists.openscad.org Subject: [OpenSCAD] Re: search a solution converting special string to array for customizer I have tried your hint, but cannot get the desired result?. In easy words what the code should do, so it can be changed by customizer: input: string="[1,2,3];[4,5,6];... output: array=[[1, 2, 3 ], [4, 5, 6]...] _____ Sent from the OpenSCAD mailing <http://forum.openscad.org/> list archive at Nabble.com. -- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. https://www.avg.com
Mon, May 24, 2021 3:31 AM

GeoffHorton wrote

function decDigit(d="") =
len(d) != 1? undef : ord(d[0]) - ord("0"));

Not as clear, perhaps, but shorter.

Luxury! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26ZDB9h7BLY  , when I wrote that I
could only dream of built in functions... ord(), we had to hand set the
octal inputs on the main console...

Moster wrote

Meanwhile I have worked at a solution, what fits, but not nice and rather
complex, a nightmare

Nightmare? When I saw your str2arr() I nearly choked ;)
And it takes 8 seconds!
OK it works, so no hurry, but I'll try my way.
So, to clarify, originally I thought you wanted three groups of three, now
it looks like you want a generic solution for any mix of nested vectors??

OpenSCAD Admin - email* me if you need anything,  or if I've done something stupid...

  • on the Forum, click on my MichaelAtOz label, there is a link to email me.

Unless specifically shown otherwise above, my contribution is in the Public Domain; to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. Obviously inclusion of works of previous authors is not included in the above.

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

GeoffHorton wrote > function decDigit(d="") = > len(d) != 1? undef : ord(d[0]) - ord("0")); > > Not as clear, perhaps, but shorter. Luxury! <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26ZDB9h7BLY> , when I wrote that I could only dream of built in functions... ord(), we had to hand set the octal inputs on the main console... Moster wrote > Meanwhile I have worked at a solution, what fits, but not nice and rather > complex, a nightmare Nightmare? When I saw your str2arr() I nearly choked ;) And it takes 8 seconds! OK it works, so no hurry, but I'll try my way. So, to clarify, originally I thought you wanted three groups of three, now it looks like you want a generic solution for any mix of nested vectors?? ----- OpenSCAD Admin - email* me if you need anything, or if I've done something stupid... * on the Forum, click on my MichaelAtOz label, there is a link to email me. Unless specifically shown otherwise above, my contribution is in the Public Domain; to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. Obviously inclusion of works of previous authors is not included in the above. -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/
Mon, May 24, 2021 11:07 AM

yes, the resulting function ist horrible. It takes so a long time because of
the high nested operations. As multiple code-lines its quick and easier to
understand, but if possible I need a function. I need this convertion in
multiple parts of the program.
I dont know how to build a function with multiple commands in OpenScad, so I
had clipped the commands together to a single one, to get a function. not
fine, I know.

the function should handle array group with same dimension:
[1,2,3],[4,5,6]... so that these can be expand or changed in their contents
(not in dimension). f.e. to chage it to [1,2,3],[10,12,23] in the

The "golden" solution would be that it can also handle strings
I worked at this code actually, but its also this rather unmanageable

the aim of this is to expand and fully parametrize a program for creating
enclosures for electr. parts that was published at thingiverse: The Ultimate
Box Maker https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1264391

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

yes, the resulting function ist horrible. It takes so a long time because of the high nested operations. As multiple code-lines its quick and easier to understand, but if possible I need a function. I need this convertion in multiple parts of the program. I dont know how to build a function with multiple commands in OpenScad, so I had clipped the commands together to a single one, to get a function. not fine, I know. the function should handle array group with same dimension: [1,2,3],[4,5,6]... so that these can be expand or changed in their contents (not in dimension). f.e. to chage it to [1,2,3],[10,12,23] in the customizer. The "golden" solution would be that it can also handle strings [1,2,"text1"],[4,5,"text2"].. I worked at this code actually, but its also this rather unmanageable solution. the aim of this is to expand and fully parametrize a program for creating enclosures for electr. parts that was published at thingiverse: The Ultimate Box Maker https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1264391 -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/
Father Horton
Tue, May 25, 2021 2:26 AM

What you're up against is that OpenSCAD doesn't have very strong string
support. It's not often needed, so I see why it's not high on anyone's
priority list, but it means string operations will be slow and clunky.

For what you're doing, I'd be strongly tempted into trying a macro
processor (M4 or something less quaint, depending on your preferences), or
write something in Python. OpenSCAD is Turing-complete (I think), but that
doesn't make it the right tool for everything.

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 6:12 AM Moster mostermann@gmx.de wrote:

yes, the resulting function ist horrible. It takes so a long time because
of the high nested operations. As multiple code-lines its quick and easier
to understand, but if possible I need a function. I need this convertion in
multiple parts of the program.
I dont know how to build a function with multiple commands in OpenScad, so
I had clipped the commands together to a single one, to get a function. not
fine, I know.

the function should handle array group with same dimension:
[1,2,3],[4,5,6]... so that these can be expand or changed in their contents
(not in dimension). f.e. to chage it to [1,2,3],[10,12,23] in the

The "golden" solution would be that it can also handle strings
I worked at this code actually, but its also this rather unmanageable

the aim of this is to expand and fully parametrize a program for creating
enclosures for electr. parts that was published at thingiverse: The
Ultimate Box Maker https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1264391

Sent from the OpenSCAD mailing list archive http://forum.openscad.org/
at Nabble.com.

OpenSCAD mailing list
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What you're up against is that OpenSCAD doesn't have very strong string support. It's not often needed, so I see why it's not high on anyone's priority list, but it means string operations will be slow and clunky. For what you're doing, I'd be strongly tempted into trying a macro processor (M4 or something less quaint, depending on your preferences), or write something in Python. OpenSCAD is Turing-complete (I think), but that doesn't make it the right tool for everything. On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 6:12 AM Moster <mostermann@gmx.de> wrote: > yes, the resulting function ist horrible. It takes so a long time because > of the high nested operations. As multiple code-lines its quick and easier > to understand, but if possible I need a function. I need this convertion in > multiple parts of the program. > I dont know how to build a function with multiple commands in OpenScad, so > I had clipped the commands together to a single one, to get a function. not > fine, I know. > > the function should handle array group with same dimension: > [1,2,3],[4,5,6]... so that these can be expand or changed in their contents > (not in dimension). f.e. to chage it to [1,2,3],[10,12,23] in the > customizer. > > The "golden" solution would be that it can also handle strings > [1,2,"text1"],[4,5,"text2"].. > I worked at this code actually, but its also this rather unmanageable > solution. > > the aim of this is to expand and fully parametrize a program for creating > enclosures for electr. parts that was published at thingiverse: The > Ultimate Box Maker https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1264391 > > ------------------------------ > Sent from the OpenSCAD mailing list archive <http://forum.openscad.org/> > at Nabble.com. > _______________________________________________ > OpenSCAD mailing list > To unsubscribe send an email to discuss-leave@lists.openscad.org >
Tue, May 25, 2021 2:37 AM

GeoffHorton wrote

OpenSCAD is Turing-complete (I think), but that
doesn't make it the right tool for everything.

Yep  Turing-complete https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_completeness
after concat() was added some years ago.

OpenSCAD Admin - email* me if you need anything,  or if I've done something stupid...

  • on the Forum, click on my MichaelAtOz label, there is a link to email me.

Unless specifically shown otherwise above, my contribution is in the Public Domain; to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. Obviously inclusion of works of previous authors is not included in the above.

Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/

GeoffHorton wrote > OpenSCAD is Turing-complete (I think), but that > doesn't make it the right tool for everything. Yep Turing-complete <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_completeness> after concat() was added some years ago. ----- OpenSCAD Admin - email* me if you need anything, or if I've done something stupid... * on the Forum, click on my MichaelAtOz label, there is a link to email me. Unless specifically shown otherwise above, my contribution is in the Public Domain; to the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work. Obviously inclusion of works of previous authors is not included in the above. -- Sent from: http://forum.openscad.org/