Is it possible to get a 2d shell skinned? If yes, what I'm doing wrong when
I try this
like so (Parser error)?:
shell2d(2, ir=5, or=5+2) square([100,50], center=true),
shell2d(3, ir=5, or=5+3) square([110,55], center=true)
Nope. Due to limitations of OpenSCAD, it's impossible to support that.
You have to provide a point list rather than geometry as input to skin.
Also, skin() does not work with shapes that have holes. To do what you are
trying to do you'll need to make the inner shape and outer shape
separately. You might try using square() to make the coordinate list to
start and then round_corners() to apply the rounding.
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 6:56 PM dpa via Discuss discuss@lists.openscad.org
Is it possible to get a 2d shell skinned? If yes, what I'm doing wrong
when I try this
like so (Parser error)?:
shell2d(2, ir=5, or=5+2) square([100,50], center=true),
shell2d(3, ir=5, or=5+3) square([110,55], center=true)
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