On 25.01.25 17:45, L Michael Fraser wrote:
Sometimes it takes a bit of discussion & research before a meaningful
issue can be presented.
That's fine and even appreciated. I intentionally did not refer to the
specific case earlier, but there we go:
And yes, I'm one of those paranoid folks you deride but I've spent 35+
years defending against the worst while trying to facilitate the best.
Seldom an easy path.
I'm not deriding anyone, I have no idea why you would say that.
And I'm sorry that I don't know enough about the structure & internals &
plans for OpenSCAD to know immediately what to do.
No need to be sorry, in my view that is not a requirement at all. I'm
fine adding/changing things in my available spare time for people who
can't do the changes themselves. I still expect people to help by
answering questions, or whatever is needed and/or possible and also
accept limitations that are hopefully explained clearly enough.