You are right
I will post the code.
On Tue, 3 Sept, 2024, 1:11 pm Curt McDowell via Discuss, <> wrote:
As an side -- generally, it isn't useful to check computer-generated data
files into git. It's equivalent to checking assembler or object files into
git. It bloats a repo while serving no purpose since they don't need
version control. Instead, provide a Makefile or script that generates the
output files on demand. Check in only the source code (in this case the
Python) and the script.
On 9/2/24 09:40, Sanjeev Prabhakar via Discuss wrote:
scad file can be downloaded from here:
but it is all coordinates-coordinates-coordinates
On Mon, 2 Sept 2024 at 21:24, Sanjeev Prabhakar
I have uploaded video on how to model this bottle:
In India we worship cows, so I would prefer Indian vegetarian curries
On Mon, 2 Sept 2024 at 14:08, Peter Kriens
Wonderful teaser! But where is the beef?
On 1 Sep 2024, at 07:07, Sanjeev Prabhakar via Discuss <> wrote:
I have written a few functions which can mold the surfaces in many
complex orientations.
Will make and post a video on the same
an example:
<Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 7.31.34 AM.png>
<Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 7.14.59 AM.png>
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Hi Gene,
It's really wonderful to see your passion especially at your age.
I would say you are 90 years young.
My father would be 90 if he was around and frankly speaking he was a great
inspiration to me and I miss him a lot.
Thanks for your message and all the best for your 3d modeling journey.
On Tue, 3 Sept, 2024, 10:22 am gene heskett via Discuss, <> wrote:
On 9/2/24 21:55, Sanjeev Prabhakar via Discuss wrote:
Thanks Leonard
I know it's quite complex for anyone to understand.
I have hard time explaining concepts maybe due to my not so great
English skills. Explaining through pictures and videos take a long time.
Never mind
Don't apologize for your English skills Sanjeev, they are better than
mine. But you likely have quite a few more years learning it than I. I
quit school shortly after the first 8 grades, and went to work fixing
the new fangled things called a tv's, in 1948. Eventually switched to
broadcasting, I kept a series of tv stations on the air from '63, to the
middle of 2002 as the CE & often the only tech in the building. I enjoy
someone else thinking outside that famous box they try to put us in. So
please do continue.
OpenSCAD, FWIW, has leaks. What it has taught me about a list of
polygons was leaked over into linuxcnc which I also have used for the
last 25+ years since before I retired. Thank you /all/ for the
inspiration and the ability to be productive as I approach my 90th.
Pretty good for a now old & diabetic Iowa farm kid.
On Mon, 2 Sept, 2024, 11:02 pm Leonard Martin Struttmann via Discuss,
<> wrote:
I personally like seeing what Sanjeev does with his hybrid process.
I, too, have used Python to generate OpenSCAD code (see the attached
tensegrity tower). However, I do admit that his programming is
complex and difficult to follow in his videos. Someday, when I have
more time, I'll delve deeper into his techniques and see what I can
On Mon, Sep 2, 2024 at 12:06 PM Sanjeev Prabhakar via Discuss
< <>>
I am writing mostly python codes which generate polyhedron in
Apart from that I use difference(), union() , hull(),
intersection() from openscad.
If you don't like the python codes, please ignore my postings as
most of them are python codes.
In case the majority here feel distracted, I may decide not to
post any further.
I am just trying to convince the developers that python can help
improve openscad.
Guenther has written a good python-scad software, but somehow it
needs further work.
On Mon, 2 Sept 2024 at 22:21, Jon Bondy <
<>> wrote:
It would really help me if you distinguished between
OpenSCAD code (real code, not just coordinates) and python
code. That way I will know what I want to pursue and what I
want to ignore.
On 9/2/2024 12:40 PM, Sanjeev Prabhakar via Discuss wrote:
scad file can be downloaded from here: <>
but it is all coordinates-coordinates-coordinates
On Mon, 2 Sept 2024 at 21:24, Sanjeev Prabhakar
<>> wrote:
I have uploaded video on how to model this bottle:
In India we worship cows, so I would prefer Indian
vegetarian curries
On Mon, 2 Sept 2024 at 14:08, Peter Kriens
<>> wrote:
Wonderful teaser! But where is the beef?
On 1 Sep 2024, at 07:07, Sanjeev Prabhakar via
Discuss <
<>> wrote:
I have written a few functions which can mold
the surfaces in many complex orientations.
Will make and post a video on the same
an example:
<Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 7.31.34 AM.png>
<Screenshot 2024-09-01 at 7.14.59 AM.png>
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"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
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On 9/3/24 09:31, Sanjeev Prabhakar wrote:
Hi Gene,
It's really wonderful to see your passion especially at your age.
I would say you are 90 years young.
My father would be 90 if he was around and frankly speaking he was a
great inspiration to me and I miss him a lot.
Thanks for your message and all the best for your 3d modeling journey.
I really do think outside the box. For instance, the last 4 years has
seen a slow revolution in stepper motor tech. And I have a now elderly
Creality Ender5plus 3d printer. Big and relatively cheap. Its achilles
heel is the motor driving its Y axis, loses steps, aka a layer shift at
20mm/sec speeds. 24 volts runs everything. I rebuilt it from frame up.
Carbon fiber X transport to reduce flying weight, stepper/servo XY
motors, 72 volt supply to run them, 32 volt 600 watt psu for bed heat.
Stepper/servo's control the motor much more precisely on less power. A
new hotend goes to 280C. The whole thing now runs at up to 175mm/sec, no
layer shifts, printing stuff in polycarbonate, 60C hotter bed, 100C
hotter nozzle. Now the problem is the author of klipper. The
stepper/servo, when used with linuxcnc, can hit something on the machine
and stop the machine in 2 milliseconds. Remove the wrench blocking
motion, remove the cutting tool, rehome the machine, replace the cutter
and tap R on the keyboard, part is not ruined. Klipper needs a similar
instant stop but Kevin isn't willing to add it. The stepper/servo makes
the motor do exactly what the stepgen tells it to do, reversing the
motor to reposition it correctly on a single step of overshoot. I'm
using 5 of those motors on linuxcnc machines in the garage, 2 driving
rotary axises im time with much slower x or y motions to cut threads at
up to 500 rpms. They don't normally make mistakes.
Why did I do that? To advance the state of the art. Somebody needs to.
If nobody pushes it doesn't get done. Probably the same as your mixing
of OpenSCAD and Python. ;o)
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.