// Draw the oval for reference module draw_oval(rx, ry, segments = 100) { scale([rx, ry, 1]) circle(1, $fn=segments); } // Function to place characters at specified positions and angles module place_character(char, x, y, angle) { translate([x, y, 0]) rotate([0, 0, angle]) text(char, size = 30, valign = "center", halign = "center"); } // Calculate x, y position and tangent angle for a character on an oval module place_character_manual(char_data, rx, ry) { for (i = [0 : len(char_data) - 1]) { char_info = char_data[i]; // Distance as an angle in degrees distance_deg = char_info[1]; // Calculate the x, y position on the oval x = rx * cos(distance_deg); y = ry * sin(distance_deg); // Calculate the angle of rotation (tangent to the oval at this point) // This is the angle of the tangent vector at the point (x, y) tangent_angle_deg = atan2(ry * cos(distance_deg), -rx * sin(distance_deg)); // Place the character place_character(char_info[0], x, y, tangent_angle_deg); } } // Example data to place characters using manually adjusted positions and angles char_data = [ ["H", 0], ["M", 15], ["S", 30], ["L", 45], ["S", 60], [" ", 75], ["5", 90], ["0", 105], ["t", 120], ["h", 135], [" ", 150], ["A", 192], ["N", 209], ["N", 228], ["I", 239], ["V", 249], ["E", 263], ["R", 276], ["S", 289], ["A", 301], ["R", 316], ["Y", 336], [" ", 340] ]; // Parameters for final rendering rx = 120; // Radius in the X direction for the oval ry = 70; // Radius in the Y direction for the oval // Draw the oval for reference // draw_oval(rx, ry); // Place characters using dynamically calculated positions and angles place_character_manual(char_data, rx, ry);