//****************** // Title: skeleton // Author: Matthieu Hendriks // Date: 10-9-2021 // License: Creative Commons //****************** include ; // ***************** // constants $fn=128; run="all"; //****************** // hierna komen alle generieke modules //****************** module all() { mvx(15) bottem(); mvy(10) middle(); mvz(-5) top(); } module print_combined() { all(); } module print_bottem() { bottem(); } module bottem() { sphere(1); } module middle() { cube(10); } module top(){ cylinder(h=10,r=10); } //********************** // run sectie, welke module draaien // Modulename starting with print_ are used for generating STL and png files automatically // Modulename all is used as a demo png and mp4 file with all objects //********************** /* runstart Start:autogenerated run file */ if (run == "all") { all(); } if (run == "print_combined") { print_combined(); } if (run == "print_bottem") { print_bottem(); } if (run == "bottem") { bottem(); } if (run == "middle") { middle(); } if (run == "top") { top(); } /* runeind End:autogenerated run file */